Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Blogging Tips: Making the Most of Twitter

Twitter is the most perfect platform for bloggers to share their work on and gain followers, however, getting your work recognised and getting your followers list to sky rocket up takes a lot of hard work and promoting. I'm sort of writing this blog post not only for you guys, but also for myself... I am terrible at promoting myself on social media and this post will definitely be nice to come back to every so often to help me remember that my blog won't be appreciated unless I actually let people know about it! My blog views and followers count are improving each day and whilst that makes me incredibly proud and grateful to all my supporters, I feel like I could do so much more to get my blog out there! Although I'm not a pro at ways to promote yourself on Twitter, I can share a few tips that have helped me previously and can hopefully help you too! 

Tag Retweet Accounts 

There are so many retweet accounts available to bloggers on Twitter and they're incredibly helpful with getting more people to see your posts! Bare in mind though, most of these retweet accounts have thousands of followers and your tweets may not always be chosen for a retweet but don't let that stop you from trying, as when they do choose you, it can make such a good impact on your blog! Here's a few RT accounts for you to follow: @TheGirlGang , @BloggerBees@BloggingGals , @UKBlog_RT and @FemaleBloggerRT

Hashtag, Hashtag, Hashtag!!

It's amazing how one little hashtag can improve your blog views and get you more followers! If you struggle to get the right bloggers to see your blog, hashtags will help you in finding the most appropriate bloggers to talk with and get support from, whilst also doing the same back to them.

Do you write about books? #BookBloggers  
Do you write about food? #FoodBloggers
Love talking about your favourite beauty products? #BeautyBloggers 
Or do you enjoy sharing your favourite pieces of clothing? #FashionBloggers 

Schedule Those Tweets!

We don't always have time to be on Twitter 24/7 due to working, family time or maybe you just want a break from your phone now and again, therefore, it is always necessary to schedule your tweets so you're not completely withdrawing yourself from Twitter and you don't always have to be on your computer or phone anymore to keep yourself relevant! For me, Hootsuite is my go to app and has helped me time and time again for when I've not been able to tweet out my blog posts myself! 

Appreciate and Interact with Other Bloggers!

If you ever come across a blog post that you loved reading, make sure to let the bloggers know about it! Also share the post with your followers as they may love it just as much as you, who knows, maybe it'll even help someone? Also interacting in general with bloggers will help you get recognised, there's nothing worse than only tweeting about your blog posts and looking like a complete robot! Show everybody your beautiful personality and gain some incredible Twitter friends! 

Twitter Chats

Continuing on from tip 4, Twitter chats are a great opportunity to meet new bloggers and share your thoughts and interests with each other. I don't do this a lot as I'm always bloody forgetting to check the timetable as to when these chats go on, but whenever I do take part, I talk to so many incredible ladies, gain more followers, more blog views and I also get to find out about other people's blogs and read their wonderful work! 

If you want to take part in a chat but just don't know when they'll all be going on, a lovely blogger Jodetopia made us this extremely helpful timetable:

There's all the tips I have for you, if you have any more to recommend, I'd love to hear them all! :)

- Shelby xxx


  1. These are awesome tips!!! I've been wanting to get back into twitter chats so I'm glad you gave us a list!!! Thank you!!!

    Jasmine :)

  2. Aw thank you so much! I'm really glad I could help :)



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